Sunday, December 07, 2008

I note with sadness the recent announcement that all future ITV1 regional programming for the east of England will be presented from a shed at Postwick Park & Ride by BC, the Birthday Club tigerbear thing. Clare Weller's out of a job and John Francis is jiggered, while Stephen Lee's already made arrangements for himself and his increasingly surreal hair to emigrate to Australia. I shouldn't sound so flippant. The erosion of the ITV network and the role played by the regional companies angers me hugely. Anglia, while no longer a producer of network drama or entertainment, is still a good outfit.

So, for day 7 of the CVTNAC, I present a 2005 leaflet sent to satellite-equipped houses in the east of the Anglia region, announcing that they no longer had to watch the Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire variant of Anglia Tonight, as ITV had shelled out to send both Anglia sub-regions into outer space. Comely weather person Wendy Hurrell must have sensed the way things were going, as she's now with BBC London. Incidentally, if the winner of the "meal at one of East Anglia's most prestigious restaurants" is reading this, please get in touch. It was saveloy and chips from the stall in Norwich market, wasn't it?


office pest said...

Ah, Anglia Weather with Michael Hunt, now you're talking. Always reminded me of a RAF station Met. Officer, perhaps he once was!
Also Peter Brookes, a big man who looked like he'd take no nonsense from any Russki cold front barging it's way into the Anglia region. Peter Walker appeared rather more resigned.
Patrick Anthony for recipes and chat and the hilarious Paul Lavers with his surreal links and late night continuity announcements. Mr Midnight! Good chaps all.

Mondo said...

Living in sunny Southend - I've always had to make do and mend with London regional news, whereas Anglia or Look East would've been more up my street, literally.

I once saw an inhouse outtake tape where the Anglia horse (does he have a name?)had been modified, by way of tin foil origami, into an 'inflammed' state. Fantastic.