Friday, November 21, 2008

I've noticed that most of the comments on this blog come from people I know and with whom I have drunk, often heavily. If anybody else is chancing upon these ramblings, don't be a stranger. Come say hello.


botherer said...

Hi there.

I'm reading. Bemli alumni.

Louis Barfe said...

You are John Walker and I claim my £5 of Software Creations games. Welcome aboard.

Andy said...

I'd be amazed if anyone I hadn't had at least a pint with ever read my blog. Apart from the slipshod regularity and the garbled syntax, what would be the motivation? Shouting At Nothing, indeed.

As for yours, Louis, it's lovely and deserves a wider readership.

Louis Barfe said...

Lovely? Recent posts have mostly been me whoring my book. Normal service will be resumed shortly. You shout at nothing very well, my dear.

Unknown said...

Ever since I asked my Davenports driver for a leaflet it's been strictly beer at home for me, but I still enjoy your blog enormously.

Apres la Guerre said...

Alas, Keckse, the Davenports building ("Davenports, Bath Row, Birmingham B15") was demolished a few years ago to make way for a block of flats. The flats look more crummy after 10 years than the considerably older Davenports building did immediately before it was pulled down.

Can we have BBC-1 on now, please?

Louis Barfe said...

I've got 30 pints of home-brew in the larder. Pull up the drawbridge.

BBC1? Bring on the wall!